Welcome to my monthly update!
I think it's fair to stress that a lot has happened in the past month, but most of them are good things.
- I finished school (until the fall... three more courses, woo!!)
- I got a great internship at CanadianFamily.ca
- I moved into my very own bachelor apartment downtown (until said internship is complete)
I'm now into week three of my internship (wow, times flies) and work-wise, I'm loving it. Lots to do, great atmosphere and great people. But as you know, CF likes to throw you a curve ball from time-to-time and I did catch a cold (which is relatively mild, but still exhausting.) Unfortunately for me, I'm the type of person that likes to commit to something 100%, so it was hard for me to take a sick day (actually one and a half sick days). However, at the same time I'm 100% proactive, so taking a few sick days is peanuts compared to getting worse.
I'm not sure if this is CF-related or not, but the past few times I've had a cold I've had pretty annoying ear problems (swollen balloon-like feeling below my ears that alternates from one ear to the other) and I always get a mild fever. According to aboutkidshealth.ca this is completely normal... in kids. So I guess I am truly still young--very young--at heart.
In any case, with lots of rest and increasing my physio to four times a day, I'm sure I can kick this cold's butt and get back into fully enjoying my internship and downtown high-heel-strutting (yes, I strut... ok, maybe in my mind only).
Another VERY important thing (notice the bold?) that has happened this month is that my cystic cysta, H, has decided to be listed for a double lung transplant. It's very scary and exciting for her (and me, because I'm also so freaked and excited for her!). She's had a tough couple of years and it's about time she gets a break, gets her life back on track and continues her full-speed ahead, energetic way of life. In a way it's so weird that we went though all the steps together (having our assessments only 1 month apart, getting referrals around the exact same time) and now she'll have to lead the way. But I told her she is a trailblazer and she does it well! I'm excited to see what path she takes. Meanwhile, please send postive vibes to her--because you can never get enough.
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