Merry Christmas! (The scandalous scar photoshoot)

Merry Christmas from my lungs to yours.
Excuse the lazy eye, the photo shoot was a bit tiring!

Pictured: 26 of 53 staples removed. The remainder were removed before I left the hospital. Lower down are my 4 chest tube incisions, the sutures were removed last week.
 My gift to you: the rest of my documented transplant journey found here.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Katy says:

    from someone who just received a transplant as well - i wish i would have thought of pictures as clever as these before my staples started coming out! i LOVE these!!

  2. Seansjeep says:

    Funny for some reason they stretched my chest out, my nipples are almost in my arm pits now :S Just gotta work on my pecs more hahaha. Glad to see you did so great with transplant and home already :)

  3. Anonymous says:
