Our blog updater, H, is now off in sunny Barbados (lucky gal)! So who more fitting than to fill her place than ME. That's right, right from the horse's mouth (I've never understood that saying).
I was 'scheduled' to go home today, but over the weekend I had fevers and my exercise tolerance dwindled so I knew something was brewing. I'm already on two antibiotics, Ceftazidime and Meropenum, but today when they walked in my room and saw that I was shivering and sweating at the same time they added a potent third: Vancomycin.
So far this afternoon I'm feeling some improvement, I was able to walk around without the walker and at a decent pace, and last for longer. Fingers crossed this does the trick!
Truth be told I did not at all feel comfortable going home with a raging infection, so hopefully a few more days will do me good. I will likely go home on IVs for a bit to keep the infection at bay. FYI my donor lungs were perfect and came without infection, unfortunately my diseased CF lungs left infection in their airways which is causing all this residual trouble.
Otherwise, I have my very first bronchoscopy scheduled for tomorrow to find out exactly what I'm growing, clear out some secretions, and check for any signs of rejection. May as well add this one to the 'fingers crossed it goes well' list.
5 years ago
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