Today we got to the bottom of things, literally. I had my very first Bronch around 12 pm that lasted about an hour (or so my mom says). The procedure was not nearly as scary as I thought it was going to be-- in fact, the most inconvenient part of the whole thing was fasting since midnight. Hungry Lindsay doesn't fair too well in public!
I was taken back down to the second floor where my transplant surgery took place almost two weeks ago. Then I was parked in the day unit, explained the procedure and transferred to the "freezing room". The room is ironically warm, but it's purpose is to deliver you all things 'freezy'. I gargled some solution to freeze the back of my throat (it supposedly it horrible, but I guess my tastebuds are still asleep because it wasn't all that bad), then I nebulized more freeze solution. After that, I said farewell to my Mom and was wheeled off to the procedure room.
Once in the procedure room they stuck cotton swabs soaked in the freezing solution in the back of my throat-- and I of course gagged. I having always classified myself as a 'gagger', even at simple orthodondist appointments as a kid. Hence, they decided to infuse some IV gravol into me, and I was good to go! After all this, I receive another lovely infusion of a drug (forgive me, I cannot remember what it is) and I pretty much fell asleep instantly. The plan of this bronch was to remove secretions and test them, to see which anitbiotics and antifungals can best treat them, and take a small tissue biopsy to check for signs of rejection. I was also very happy to have my transplant/CF doctor perform the proceedure!
Needless to say I took it easy the rest of the day, even though everyone was surprised how alert I was after... I feel a tad more clear, so I assume they were able to remove some secretions AND my fever has yet to make a return *knock on wood*.
Great Day!
5 years ago
who was your doctor that did the bronch??
my taste buds must be asleep after a year too...I never think the liquid freeze tastes that bad either! haha
i'm SUCH a gagger too, they need to spray my mouth, can't even use the cotton swabs, hahah
also for some reason it says kim...but thats from me hattie hahah