I was settled in for a quiet night, ready to go to bed early, when I decided it was time to flush my picc line (you have to push saline through it once a day to avoid getting a blood clot). I still have my picc because I decided to leave it in for two weeks to make sure I'm infection-free.
First, let's flash back to yesterday... I was discharged in a rush and forgot my heparin (which thins your blood slightly and prevents clots). I thought "no big deal" since I have a power picc and even brushed off my cystic cysta, H's, warning. Well, come 9:30 tonight, when I attempt to flush my line... nothing happens. I figure it is a fluke, wait a few minutes and try again... nothing. I attempt to draw back blood (which is what you are supposed to do)... nothing. I move my arm around and try coughing...nothing. By five flush attempts in and 30 mins later, I call the ward...
So folks, 12 hours after leaving clinic and just over 24 hours after being discharged I take a quick cab ride back to the ward, say hello to my cleaning staff buddy and pop into the ward. The nurses flushes it with no problems within 5 mins. I feel like a complete idiot and leave.
What happened? Well, either my arm needed to somehow be completely straight... or she just pushed harder... In the wise words of my friend E, we can cancel the wake. I'm alive.
And that, my friends, is how you cap off a fabulous day.
5 years ago
ahah...i am still laughing out loud today about this incident...oh my dear friend, the life of a CF'er lol
You are a special lil one haha
That crap with the picc lines always happens, at least you were close by to get it fixed up.
Glad to read that your PFT's went up - super girl!