So remember that time when I said I will "kick this cold's butt"? Well, it beat me to the kick.
I woke up with a tad of a fever yesterday morning (and a grotesque swelling under my ear to boot!) so I decided there wasn't any harm in going to clinic (since I literally live down the street) and making sure everything was A-ok. Here's what I fully expected: pfts: the same, weight: slightly down, follow up: keep an eye on yourself and come back in a week. Dandy.
Unfortunately this hypothetical scenario did not pan out at all. My weight dropped a tad and my pfts took a dive from my usual 27-28% (.80 L) to 22% (.65 L), which is the lowest they have ever been, and this includes the time I was oxygen dependent. A scary number to see, but at least I don't feel like my number.
Initially the doc discussed doing orals antibiotics (the same ones I just finished two weeks ago). But I looked at my numbers and told her that I felt I should go directly on IVs since a- 6% is a huge drop for someone with low lung function and someone who has been completely stable for over a year and b- once my pfts drop, I rarely gain them back with a course of oral antibiotics. She immediately agreed and we are planning either a brief hospital stay followed by homecare or (more likely, since there are no beds) directly going to homecare.
I ended up feeling much better today (which messes with my head!) and considered bailing on IVs altogether. But I think those numbers alone are enough of a reason to go on IVs.
So that's the action plan! Time for a tune up. I'm very fortunate that my internship has been very understanding and I can do a lot of my work remotely (yay web internships!). Let's hope for a brief and successful course of IVs!
P.S. NO this is not sympathy lung symptoms for H. Although she tells me that mimicking can be flattering lol.
5 years ago
ahahah we are two peas in a pod my friend. and i dont' mind as you said copy cating is the biggest form of flattery! i feel honoured! haah
but seriously no, only one of us can be sick at one time, we need the other to lean on, so hurry up and get better. dont' forget to take your ativan for the picc line! lol